This is my new calculator. I had no idea it was coming. Look where it is. You have guessed it. The divorce went through and the old black and white printer is no longer taking up the entire surface of my desk. Not everyone is as pleased that I now have space to write or eat or store a telephone here in my work-home in the hallway. A co-worker came stamping over to me this afternoon demanding to know where the old black and white missus had run off to. I informed her that both I, and the head of the office had requested its removal. "Well that's our printer" she said. Indeed. That's why I thought it so peculiar that it lived with me. I informed her that I would be happy to put her in touch with Chet in IT who I assured her would spend a few days remembering where he put it and could then relocate it to her desk, which is not in the hallway. Then she handed me this calculator and told me that she had ordered for me. This way we don't have to share the one that I used the four years prior to our office's move. It seems to be enjoying it's new home. She's great at ordering things for the office. She has taken on her new role filling in for the head of office until after the new year. She has assumed these responsibilities with a ferretts lightning speed and dexterity. Maybe tomorrow I'll get some new pens or the return of a black and white printer. She's pretty knowlegable about other things as well. Like world travel and culture. Another woman who I work with told us that she's was going to india. "Why would you do that?" the calculator orderess inquired? Then she explained that she just goes to Disney and Epcot center once a year. She's got a point.
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