Saturday, August 14, 2010

T'was a Dark and Stormy Night...

....I remember it as though it were a minute ago.....twas a breast as big and bold as any basking shark me eyes had seen on the seas, alas, she was be-speckeled with a teet as cold and bone dry as that of a witches in Salem.....

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Title Fight

It was a great bout. When you really get down to brass tacks, it was still a baby in a bag with a wild gibbon. I'm really not sure what kind of result we were expecting.


There's a gig at 5th and Main
We'll take the bus or take the train
We'll steal or find or borrow cash
and we'll be there ready to thrash


LOCK UP YOUR DAUGHTERS. Lothar has his eye on that club and that cave with a mind full of skullduggeries.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Take Your 3 Month Old to Work Day

Harper had a blast playing in the drawing pit over at Dick's.

Growth Spurt

It's come in a nice and rich mahogany.

......and they left in a flash.....

Would you like to cut the chord? or would you prefer to leave it on the ground after your rip my child out of my wife with a giant suction cup? Superchunk acoustic?

.........YOu GUYS?!?......I lOVe yous fucKING guyS!.......

Looking just like Papa did for his first 30 years....

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tough Guy with Art and 7" collections

Eh... pick me a pack of those mint toothpicks and a some hair tonic while you'se out.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fight The Power

Shit Dad. Trim my nails. We've got a fucking revolution going on over here.