Pretty strange scene in the restroom today. Firstly, my condolences go out to the artist. Mine, thankfully does not. I took this drawing as it made me smile. It made me happy because it made me think. It made me think about my own bowels and comfortable ease of defecation. It made me wonder what that slam dunking, floating apendage had to do with the content of the pained statement. Which in turn,made me think, briefly, that this may be a child's drawing, brought in to hang up in someone's office as you would hang on your refrigerator at home. Mostly this made me happy because it made me think of the old office. At the old office I never found works of draftsmanship in the communal restroom. I did find someone who enjoyed using his portable gaming system in the stall. I found him on several different occassions. I don't know if they make it in today's gaming world but I swore i could place the music from "Castlevania". I also swore that I would expose his identity through shoe check. I never found those shoes in the halls of the old office. The one time that i vowed to just wait it out. I gave up after fifteen minutes. there were some subscription cards that needed attention. It also brought back memories of the head of ad sales who would go into the bathroom in a suit, with only his socks on, floss, brush his teeth and then gargle while urinating. He would then greet you with a "Hey!" after he spit out his scope. He didn't hide his identity at all. It was like it was his own personal bathroom. I think this drawing may have influenced today's suggestion box entry. "Want" in one hand. "Shit in the other." I think that it works this time of year with the holidays and all, you may actually get the "want".