I do not consider myself to be a Freudian. Lately I have been reading a good amount of Kurzweil and Dennet. Fascinating stuff. Neither are Psychiatrists by any stretch of the imagination though both deal with consciousness on heavy levels. Seriously, fuck Dualism. I recommend reading both of them. Study up. You may learn something that will help you get a job in a hallway working for some faceless, passionless corporation. Not this one. This hallway position is taken. I covet sitting here and smelling my hallmates farts as they walk past me to pick up their pictures at the printer from that crazy weekend in Fire Island that no one would understand unless they had been there. It was nuts. So nuts that your bowtie is about to start spinning around in circles as your bowler hat flies off of your head. Like Rip Taylor funny. Man you guys must have had three or four beers and only put on SPF 15. Boffo!
Freud spent 3 years as a resident physician in the famous Allgemeine Krankenhaus, a general hospital that was the medical center of Vienna. He rotated through a number of clinical services and spent 5 months in the psychiatry department headed by Theodor Meynert. Psychiatry at this time was static and descriptive. Then came the Oedipus theory.
There are forty or fifty of the image above patterned into the marble of our grand lobby. I have not spent any time at the Allgemeine Krankenhaus. I have never studied under Theodor Meynert. Regardless, I'm pretty sure that both the stoneworker of these pink-heavenly slabs and the architecht who chose him to glorify his entryway would be pretty excited to off Pops and climb back into Mommy's noo-noo.