Pardon my absence but I'm through with apologies. So things had gotten a little stagnant here in a hallway a few weeks back. I
had been having trouble grabbing Life by it's horns and just kicking it'sfucking ass in so I could take what is due to me in this crazy universe. Doyou think these guys had any problems like that? Exactly. Alex Van Halen and his full house are taking this big old, beautiful world and kicking it's fucking teeth right deep into it's gums. Tony God Damn Robbins style. I realized this when I was on the Peter Pan down to Des Moines*. Had to check the presses. Anywho, I saw this photo while I was peeking through the plush seats at the person in front of me's laptop and realized that I really needed to rethink my inks. Not the inks at the printing press. The inks of Life. They were'nt drying properly. So, I signed up for the Pantone of taking the shit charge of shit seminars. "SHAM" (Tony's Self-Help and Actualization Movement). I will have you know that it is no sham. Three weeks and fifteen thousand dollars later things have been actualized out the wazoo. I'm back in the hallway and I'm asking for a raise. I'll keep you losers posted. Take charge. *(if you ever find yourself in Des Moines the comfort in off the thruway has a great continental breakfast)